Friday, May 25, 2012

7 Food and Beverage Health Good For Teeth and Gums

Everyone will want a clean white teeth, strong and far from caries. Many ways to maintain healthy teeth and gums in addition to a toothbrush, rinsing and flossing, one of which is a diet that contains nutrients that make teeth strong and nutrition. Here are some foods that are good for teeth and gums

1. Whole Wheat

Whole grains like oatmeal and cornflakes better nutritional value than foods made from refined grains such as crackers, bread, pasta, noodles and products made from white flour others. Of Wheat Processed foods contain carbohydrates that can cause acid fermented in the oral cavity. These acids are damaging the teeth.

2. Food Protection

Dental caries can be reduced by eating protective foods. What are the foods that can reduce dental caries? All foods containing phosphorus and calcium can be categorized as protective foods such as beans. Foods that form a protective layer on the tooth enamel and reduces the production of acids produced by bacteria.

3. Vegetables and fruit

vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber so it takes a lot to chew comfortably swallowed. This is impacting on the production of one of the salivary glands of the benefits to protect the oral cavity.

4. Milk and derivative products.

Milk and derivative products such as cheese and yogurt contain lots of calcium which is the main ingredient of building bones and teeth. Drink one or two glasses of milk every day is good for the strength of teeth. Advised to consume low-fat milk or nonfat so as not to increase the weight and cholesterol.

5. Meat, Fish, Poultry and Egg

Meat is rich in protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D. Various nutrients are collaborating to form strong bones and teeth and gums healthy. Besides meat, vegetarians may choose an alternative such as lentils, seeds, tofu, nuts, and vegetable alternatives.

6. Green tea

Green tea contains polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that prevent plaque from sticking to teeth and help reduce the chances of developing cavities and gum disease. Tea also has the potential to reduce bad breath by inhibiting the growth of bacteria that cause odor. Green tea also contains fluoride, which helps protect tooth enamel from the food spoilage due to bacteria and improve dental health.

7. White Water

Water not only cleanses the mouth, but also stimulate the formation of saliva that protect against bacteria. Drinking water makes gums hydrated and helps clean food particles trapped in the mouth and cause bad breath.

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